DGGV Annual Meeting 2024
Dresden, 23 – 26 September 2024
DGGV membership: Join us!
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Bus departures
For all bus departures of the excursions, the new meeting point is "Busparkplatz Ammonstraße" (see picture) and here is the link from Google Maps:
You can take line 7 or 10 one stop from the "Hauptbahnhof" and get off at the "Budapester Straße" (directly under the bridge). Then you are right there at Busparkplatz Ammonstraße.
Excursion 1 (fully booked)
Lusatia in transition: From lignite mining to a biodiversity hotspot - insights from three decades of biomanagement———Die Lausitz im Wandel: Vom Braunkohlenbergbau zum Hotspot der Biodiversität - Erkenntnisse aus drei Jahrzehnten Biomanagement52nd Conference of the DGGV Working Group on Mining Consequences, September 19-21, 2024, Klein Kölzig / LusatiaProgram and registration can be found at Aktuelle Veranstaltung | Arbeitskreis BergbaufolgenFor almost 150 years the Lusatian region in the triangle between Guben, Lauchhammer and Weißwasser has been known for lignite mining. However, with law on phasing out coal-fired power generation in the 2030s, this era is nearly over. The 52nd conference of the DGGV's Working Group on the Consequences of Mining will highlight the results and experiences of 30 years of restoration and a return to nature in post-mining landscapes. A series of presentations and an excursion will provide an in-depth overview of the ecology and biodiversity of these landscapes.The 52nd conference of the AK Bergbaufolgen is also intended as a precursor event to the annual conference of the DGGV GeoSaxonia 2024. The excursion titled “Reclamation on the inner spoil heap of the Nochten opencast lignite mine and the Lusatian Erratic Boulder Park Nochten” will take place the last day of the conference, the 21st September. The excursion can be booked separately as a pre-event to GeoSaxonia 2024 at AK Bergbaufolgen. Registration here.———52. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Bergbaufolgen in der DGGV, 19.-21. September 2024, Klein Kölzig / LausitzProgramm und Anmeldung finden Sie unter Aktuelle Veranstaltung | Arbeitskreis BergbaufolgenDie Lausitzer Region im Dreieck zwischen Guben, Lauchhammer und Weißwasser ist für fast 150 Jahre Braunkohlenbergbau bekannt, dessen Ende mit dem Gesetz zum Ausstieg aus der Kohleverstromung für die 2030er Jahre in greifbare Nähe rückt. Die 52. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Bergbaufolgen in der DGGV wird mit Vorträgen und Exkursionen die Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen des bergbaubegleitenden Biomanagements aus 30 Jahren Rekultivierung und Renaturierung in der Bergbaufolgelandschaft beleuchten. Daraus leiten sich allgemein gültige Aussagen zur Ökologie und Biodiversität in Bergbauregionen ab.Die 52. Tagung des AK Bergbaufolgen ist auch als Vorveranstaltung der Jahrestagung der DGGV GeoSaxonia 2024 konzipiert. Die Ganztagesexkursion "Wiedernutzbarmachung auf der Innenkippe des Braunkohlentagebaues Nochten und Lausitzer Findlingspark Nochten" am 21.09.2024 kann daher als Vorexkursion der GeoSaxonia 2024 beim AK Bergbaufolgen separat gebucht werden. Anmeldung hier.
Excursion 2 (fully booked)
Geology of Saxon SwitzerlandOnly bookable for students, doctoral candidates and young professionals!Exkursionsleitung: Thomas Voigt (Uni Jena); Mark Mücklisch (Uni Jena)Tag & Zeit: Sonntag, den 22. September -> 12:00 h – 20:00 hTreffpunkt: Bus parking area/Busparkplatz AmmonstraßePreis: 15 €Im Preis inbegriffen: Transport mit dem Kleinbus von und nach Dresden, sowie Snacks.Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 16 PersonenPersönliche Voraussetzungen: Wanderschuhe und wasserdichte Kleidung, mäßige Kondition für mittelschwere Wanderungen und Klettereien.Beschreibung:Während der Exkursion werden wir die Geologie um den Tagungsstandort Dresden kennenlernen. Neben der Typuslokation des Basalts nahe Stolpen werden wir auf einer mehrstündigen Wanderung durch die beeindruckenden Aufschlüsse von kretazischen Sandsteinen im Elbsandsteingebirges unternehmen. Die Exkursion ist vornämlich für ECRs (Bachelor- und Masterstudierende, PhDs, Berufseinsteiger:innen) konzipiert, wir freuen uns aber auch auf Anmeldungen außerhalb dieser Kategorien.
Excursion 3 (fully booked)
The Cadomian Basement of the Lausitz Block – A day trip to Germany´s oldest rocksGuides: Ulf Linnemann, Mandy Zieger-Hofmann, Andreas Gärtner, Johannes Zieger (Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, GeoPlasmaLab Dresden)Date & time: Monday, Sept 23 -> 8:00 h – 17:00 hMeeting point: Bus parking area/Busparkplatz Ammonstraße; In the evening the bus ends on MESSE Dresden for the icebreaker participation.Price: 40 €Included services: Transport by coach/minibus from and to Dresden, lunch bag, beverages and printed field trip guide.Maximum attendance: 20 personsPersonal requirements: Field boots and water-proof clothing, moderate personal fitness for intermediate walks and climbs.Description:During the fieldtrip we will examine rocks from the Cadomian basement of the Lausitz Block. These rock units show ages ranging from c. 565 to 538 Ma (Upper Ediacaran to earliest Cambrian). Germany´s oldest rock suite includes a Cadomian back-arc basin and a magmatic granodioritic suite. We start with outcrops of the Weesenstein Group in the Elbe Zone (Elbtalschiefergebirge). Outcrops are situated close to Dresden. The rock unit is composed of passive margin deposits such as a glaciomarine tillite (Müglitz Formation) and related glacioeustatic induced low-stand deposits represented by high mature meta-sandstones (Purpurberg Quartzite, Seidewitz Formation). The trip continues to the inner part of the Lausitz Block. Here, we present parts of the c. 539 Ma old magmatic suite of granodiorites which are intrusive against deformed greywacke turbidites of the Lausitz Group (quarry Kindisch near Elstra). The trip continues to the area of the city of Kamenz, where sedimentary rocks of the Cadomian back-arc basin (Lausitz Group, greywacke, conglomerate) occur. Further, the defomation style of sedimentary rocks and the deositional environment will be discussed. If time allows, we will visit the c. 539 Ma old anatexites, which belong to the Cadomian granodioritic suite. During the trip we will present a number of geochronological and geochemical data including a geotectonic model for Cadomian orogenic processes.
Excursion 4 (fully booked)
Volcanology and petrology of the Lusatian Volcanic FieldGuides: Olaf Tietz & Jörg Büchner (Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz)Date & time: Monday, Sept 23 -> 8:00 h – 17:00 hMeeting point: Bus parking area/Busparkplatz Ammonstraße; In the evening the bus ends on MESSE Dresden for the icebreaker participation.Price: 55 €Included services: Transport by coach/minibus from and to Dresden, lunch bag and printed field trip guide.Maximum attendance: 20 personsPersonal requirements: Field boots and water-proof clothing, moderate personal fitness for intermediate walks and climbs.Description:The Lusatian Volcanic Field is situated across the border triangle PL-CZ-DE and marks the north-eastern end of the Ohře/Eger-Graben. In addition to complex (polygenetic) volcanoes, particularly simple, small-sized (monogenetic) volcanic structures occur here. The rocks represent a mostly bimodal volcanism from SiO2-undersaturated mafic to evolved lavas of Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene age. The latter form trachytes and phonolites, while the mafic are nephelinites and basanites/tephrites. They belong to the rift phase in the Ohře/Eger-Graben. The alkaline suite is supplemented by ultramafic melilite-bearing rocks, which are mostly of Late Cretaceous age (pre-rift phase). Country rocks are Cadomian granitoids in the north and Upper Cretaceous sediments (sandstones) in the south of the volcanic field.The excursion visits three localities in the Lusatian Mountains (Lužické hory) in the Czech Republic, which show very different volcanological phenomena and erosion levels. In addition, the relationships of the erupted lavas to the geological framework will be shown. Beside of two tephritic cinder cones that occur together in a maar structure (Zlatý and Stříbrný vrch near Česká Kamenice), a maar-diatreme volcano of melilititic composition will be visited (Dolny Falknov/Kytlice) and the interactions of basanitic lavas with carbonates will be presented in another location (Doubice/ Krásná Lípa). Here, the lava veins ascended into a local Jurassic deposit along the Lusatian Overthrust and so-called peperites were formed.The outcrops are accessed with short hikes.
Excursion 5 (fully booked)
Saxon Granulite Massif: Metamorphism – Timing – TectonicsGuides: Uwe Kroner & Thorsten Nagel (TU Freiberg)Date & time: Monday, Sept 23 -> 8:00 h – 17:00 hMeeting point: Bus parking area/Busparkplatz Ammonstraße; In the evening the bus ends on MESSE Dresden for the icebreaker participation.Price: 40 €Included services: Transport by coach/minibus from and to Dresden, lunch bag, beverages and printed field trip guide.Maximum attendance: 15 personsPersonal requirements: Field boots and water-proof clothing, moderate personal fitness for intermediate walks and climbs.Description:The Variscan high-grade Saxon Granulite Massif represents a crystalline dome structure juxtaposed with low-grade metasediments of the Saxothuringian zone. The tectonic contact between the granulitic core and the allochthonous units of the hanging wall is characterized by high-temperature (HT) shear zones. Advective heat transfer during rapid exhumation led to a localized HT-metamorphism of the metasedimentary envelope. During the excursion, relevant lithologic units will be presented, including the typical granulites of the core and its transection by retrograde shear-zones, garnet- and cordierite-gneisses, syn- and post-kinematic granites, and high-grade metasediments of the schist envelope. In the introduction we will give a brief overview of the regional geology, during the excursion we will discuss petrological and tectonic features of the metamorphic complex.
Excursion 6 (fully booked)
Saxoinan Erzgebirge “High-pressure/Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism and subsequent deformation history”Guides: Thorsten Nagel & Uwe Kroner (TU Freiberg)Date & time: Friday, Sept 27 -> 8:00 h – 17:00 hMeeting point: Bus parking area/Busparkplatz AmmonstraßePrice: 40 €Included services: Transport by coach/minibus from and to Dresden, lunch bag, and printed field trip guide.Maximum attendance: 15 personsPersonal requirements: Field boots and water-proof clothing, moderate personal fitness for intermediate walks and climbs.Description:The Saxonian Erzgebirge consists flat-lying nappes that experienced very different variscan tectonometamorphic histories. The heterogeneous Eclogite-Gneiss Unit contains rock assemblages that display high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure facies including the microdiamond-bearing garnet-mica felses at the Saidenbach resevoir or the garnet serpentinite near Zöblitz. The question when and to what degree this nappe was itself amalgamated from subunits with different histories is a matter of debate. The underlying Gneiss-Amphibolite Unit did not experience high-pressure conditions and the two nappes are juxtaposed along a top-to-the northwest-directed shear zone. Above the Eclogite-Gneiss Unit lies the Eclogite-Mica-Schist Unit, which contains various rocks that record lower eclogite-facies conditions. This trip will visit famous locations exposing eclogite-facies rocks in the Erzgebirge and also outcrops where the structural relations between nappes and post-peak-pressure deformation within the nappes can be studied.
Excursion 7
Old Mines and new explorationGuide: Axel Renno (HZDR)Date & time: Friday, Sept 27 -> 9:00 h – 16:00 hMeeting point: Bus parking area/Busparkplatz AmmonstraßePrice: 65 €Included services: Transport by coach/minibus from and to Dresden, printed field trip guide and entrance feesMaximum attendance: 16 personsPersonal requirements: Field boots and water-proof clothing, moderate personal fitness for intermediate walks and climbs.Description:Route: Zinnwald – Altenberg – Visitor mine – Pinge – Mining museum and Kernlager and Exploration Zinnwald Lithium GmbH (requested, is still being examined "favourably")The Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) is known for its centuries-old mining tradition. In addition to mining silver, and later lead and other non-ferrous metals, tin mining has also played a major economic role since the Middle Ages. One center of former tin mining, the Altenberg - Zinnwald (Cinovec) area, is closely linked to the Variscan magmatism, especially of the Altenberg-Teplice caldera. Today, these former mining areas are the target of extensive exploration for lithium, probably the decisive value element for the current energy transition, both on the German and on the Czech side of the border.The excursion includes a tour of a visitor mine with a geoscientific guide, a visit to the "Altenberger Pinge", probably the most impressive evidence of mining activity in the Eastern Erzgebirge, as well as outcrops of the host rocks of the deposits. An insight into the current status of exploration work by Zinnwald Lithium GmbH will be provided.———Route: Bereich Zinnwald – Altenberg – Besucherbergwerk – Pinge – Bergbaumuseum und Kernlager und Exploration Zinnwald Lithium GmbH (angefragt wird noch „wohlwollend“ geprüft)Das Erzgebirge ist für seine jahrhundertealte Bergbautradition bekannt. Neben dem Bergbau auf Silber, später auch Blei und andere Buntmetalle spielt auch der Zinnbergbau seit dem Mittelalter eine große, wirtschaftlich bedeutsame Rolle. Ein Zentrum des ehemaligen Zinnbergbaus das Gebiet Altenberg – Zinnwald (Cinovec) ist eng mit dem variszischen Magmatismus, insbesondere der Altenberg-Teplice Caldera verknüpft. Heute sind diese ehemaligen Bergbauareale Ziel einer umfassenden Exploration auf Lithium, wahrscheinlich das entscheidendes Wertelement für die derzeit laufende Energiewende, sowohl auf deutscher als auch auf der tschechischen Seite der Grenze.Im Rahmen der Exkursion erfolgt die Befahrung eines Besucherbergwerks mit geowissenschaftlicher Führung, der Besuch der „Altenberger Pinge“, dem wohl beeindruckendsten landschaftsprägenden Zeugnis der Bergwerkstätigkeit im Osterzgebirge sowie von Aufschlüssen der Rahmengesteine der Lagerstätten. Es wird ein Einblick in den aktuellen Stand der Explorationsarbeiten durch die Zinnwald Lithium GmbH gegeben.
Excursion 8
The Cretaceous of Saxony – a fresh look at a classical geoscientific key areaGuides: Markus Wilmsen & Birgit Niebuhr (Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie)Date & time: Friday, Sept 27 -> 8:30 h – 17:30 hMeeting point: Bus parking area/Busparkplatz AmmonstraßePrice: 40 €Included services: Transport by coach/minibus from and to Dresden, printed field trip guide.Maximum attendance: 20 personsPersonal requirements: Field boots and water-proof clothing, moderate personal fitness for intermediate walks and climbs.Description:The Cretaceous strata of the Elbtal Group (Saxony, eastern Germany), Cenomanian to early Coniacian in age, are a well-studied regional geological unit that has been investigated in terms of its palaeontology, stratigraphy and sedimentology for more than two centuries. Nevertheless, surprising new findings during the last few years casted considerable doubts on some of the prevailing geological doctrines on the Elbtal Group that have been deeply entrenched into the literature for long times, especially with respect to the Cenomanian part of the succession. The present field thus intends both, to show some the classical sites that were crucial for previous studies of the succession, and to present new data and interpretations concerning the transgression history and the integrated stratigraphy of the Elbtal Group. This one-day field trip will lead from Dresden via Pirna into the Saxon Switzerland and covers natural exposures and active quarries, ranging in age from the Middle Cenomanian into the Late Turonian.
Excursion 9
9a) Silberbergwerk Reiche Zeche & Geowissenschaftliche SammlungenGuide: Christin Kehrer, Andreas MassanekDate & time: Friday, Sept 27 -> 9:00 h – 15:30 hMeeting point: Silberbergwerk Reiche Zeche, Fuchsmühlenweg 9, 09596 FreibergPrice: 25 €Included services: Entrance fee incl. guided tour. Please travel individually to Freiberg!Maximum attendance: 19 personsSpeciality: This excursion is a combination of a visit to the silver mine “Silberbergwerk Reiche Zeche“ in the morning and the “Geowissenschaftliche Sammlungen” in the afternoon. Please travel individually to Freiberg! Silberbergwerk Reiche Zeche -> 09.00 – 12.00 UhrNordöstlich der Freiberger Altstadt liegt die Schachtanlage Reiche Zeche. Die TU Bergakademie Freiberg ist die einzige deutsche Universität mit einem eigenen Forschungs- und Lehrbergwerk. Der Silberbergbau in Freiberg reicht bis ins Jahr 1168 zurück. Während thematischer Befahrungen bietet sich die Gelegenheit, den Freiberger Erzbergbau vom 14. bis ins 19. Jahrhundert zu erleben. Geowissenschaftliche Sammlungen (Abraham-Gottlob-Werner-Bau, Brennhausgasse 14) -> 14.00 – 15.30 UhrDie Geowissenschaftlichen Sammlungen der TU Bergakademie Freiberg zählen weltweit zu den umfangreichsten, bedeutendsten und ältesten Kollektionen dieser Art. Seit der Gründung der Bergakademie im Jahre 1765 dienen die Sammlungen vorrangig der Ausbildung von Studenten und jungen Wissenschaftlern, aber auch der Weiterbildung von Spezialisten. Sie werden in sechs thematische Teilsammlungen untergliedert: Mineralogische, Lagerstätten, Petrologische, Paläontologische, Stratigraphische und Brennstoffgeologische Sammlung.
F&U confirm
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig | Germany
Phone: +49 (0)341 6025 1828
Abstract-Submission & Program (Mario Helm): geosax-abstract (at) fu-confirm.de
Sponsoring & Exhibition (Susanne Lange): geosax-exhibition (at) fu-confirm.de